To establish, maintain, and conduct an historical and archives society: with the purpose of collecting, discovering, procuring, and preserving data, records, objects and landmarks touching the history of the State of Maine and the City of Biddeford.
The Biddeford Historical Society is the secondary depository for the early records of the City of Biddeford, and has records from 1628 to 1932. These records include the minutes of Town Meetings from 1653 to 1855, the minutes of the Board of Common Council and the Board of Aldermen from 1855 to 1932 and tax records from 1653 to 1932.
The Society has, in addition to this, the records of local organizations, banks, building committees and veterans' groups. There is also a collection of memorabilia, personal diaries and scrapbooks.
All the vital statistics of Old Saco and the Town of Biddeford have been transcribed and are available for research on request.
The Biddeford Historical Society archives and collection is located in the McArthur Library at 270 Main Street, Biddeford. Lectures and events take place at the historic First Parish Meetinghouse, 7 Meetinghouse Road in Biddeford.
Thursdays at 10 a.m. to noon and by appointment